Category: Rules

Changes To Your Agreement With Sheen Lions July 2020

As background, on Friday 17th July the Government issued its Return to recreational team sport framework. This put the responsibility on each National Governing Body (English FA) in our case to agree a plan with them. Amazingly by Saturday evening the FA had this in place for football. GUIDELINES FOR THE RETURN OF OUTDOOR COMPETITIVE …

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Double Header Rules 2009/10

This is based on the direction from the Surrey Youth League on double headers. A Double Header is “two games of short duration” that are played back to back. A Fixtures Secretary may order a Double Header when necessary to complete the league program. The minimum time should be played for both halves of each …

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Codes of Conduct, The FA Respect Campaign and Sportsmanship

With the start of the new season and the establishment of the Club’s new website at please can I draw your attention to a number of matters concerning conduct and sportsmanship at matches: 1. The Club has a number of Codes of Conduct as well as Regulations. They contain important guidance on behaviour at …

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