After the success last year, Sheen Lions FC is collecting again for the fantastic Boots for Africa Charity.
In many of the African communities you will see children playing football in their bare feet on rubble-strewn ground. Boots For Africa collect your old football boots and deliver them to the children and adults of Africa. Your support can make a real difference. Your donated boots will be the first ever pair worn by disadvantaged children and will offer a generation of young people affected by poverty, poor health and lack of opportunity a new sense of hope, pride and ambition for themselves and for their country.
Pretty impressive, eh?
It’s SO easy to donate – just dig through your cupboards and root out any old boots your children may have grown out of. Put the (clean) boots into a bag and give them to your Manager or leave them in the porch of either Maia Dickson or Sarah Street. They will get the boots to the charity for shipping.
Maia Dickson