Club Regulations



 These Regulations constitute bye-laws of Sheen Lions Football Club duly approved by the Executive Committee and shall remain in force until further notice in writing.

1.             Compliance with League and FA Regulations

 All players, coaches, managers, assistant managers and other team officials as well as parents/spectators at the Club will be required to comply with the Rules of the Surrey Youth and Under 21 League (“the League”), which encompass the Regulations of the Football Association, these Regulations, the Club Child Protection Policy and the Codes of Conduct of the Club.

Specifically (and without limitation to any of the above) it shall be the responsibility of each team manager to supply to the League all necessary information for the registration of players, to comply with all League requirements as to match notification, to ensure that player registration cards are available for inspection at matches of the League and Surrey County Football Association (“County FA”) and to comply with all League and County FA requirements as to the playing of matches and the reporting of results.

2.             Compliance with the Orders of the League and County FA

Where any player, coach, manager, assistant manager or other team official or parent/spectator receives any fine or individual sanction from either the County FA or the League it shall be the responsibility of that person to comply with the orders of the County FA or the League in respect of the fine other sanction imposed.

3.             Compliance With Public Health Measures

The Club will when required by the Government or by the sport’s national governing body (The English FA) put in place appropriate measures to mitigate any health emergency. All players, coaches, managers, assistant managers and other team officials as well as parents/spectators at the Club will be required to comply with any measures adopted by the Club.

4.             Team Kit

Match team kit shall be purchased by the Club Secretary for all teams and all shirts so purchased shall remain the property of the Club. It shall be the responsibility of each team manager to ensure that the Club match team kit is worn at all competitive matches and matches involving a team from another club.

5.             Team Equipment     

It is the responsibility of each individual manager to ensure that adequate equipment is available for the training of players in his team.

The Club Secretary may from time to time supply each team with training and match footballs and other equipment. Such equipment shall remain the property of the Club and be the responsibility of each team manager once in his possession.

6.             Team Selection

Team Selection shall be the sole responsibility of the team manager of the team concerned.

7.             Pitches and Match Officials

The booking of pitches and match officials for “home” matches shall be carried out by the Club Secretary. The Club shall also, where a team lacks its own marker flags, goals or goal nets, endeavour to supply them for the team where it plays a League or County FA “home” match.

8.             Disciplinary Matters

Breaches of the Rules of the League and FA and of the Club Constitution and these Regulations shall be dealt with by a sub-committee of the Executive Committee, known as the Disciplinary Sub-committee which shall consist of not less than three and not more than five members of the Executive Committee. Any meeting of such sub-committee shall be quorate when at least three of the sub-committee are present and willing and able to act. The chairman of any meeting of the Disciplinary Sub-committee shall be elected by the members of that sub-committee present. The procedures for Disciplinary sub-committee are published separately.

By order of the Executive Committee

Dated                     July 2020

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