I have been asked by our coaches to email regarding bringing dogs to Saturday morning training. Although many of you already comply with our request, and tether your dog, there have been cases of dogs being allowed to run through their sessions, causing disruption and indeed anxiety for the some of the boys. The dogs are also inclined to foul equipment and belongings.
Dogs are welcome at our sessions however, as part of the club’s Code of Conduct and in order for the training sessions to continue, we ask that all our members comply with our very reasonable request to keep their dogs under control and on leads in our designated areas whilst training is in progress. Coaches will stop sessions until they are satisfied their session can continue without disruption from untethered dogs. No doubt that won’t be popular with other parents, nor the boys.
Although Palewell Common is open to the public, it should be noted that these training areas are for the sole use of Sheen Lions FC on Saturday mornings from 9.00am – 12.30am. They are designated sports areas, given over to us by Richmond Borough Council as our official training ground, and are paid for by Sheen Lions F.C.
We would ask the same on HOME match days regarding keeping dogs under control. Your compliance will be greatly appreciated by everyone at the club.
Thank you
Sarah Street
Club Secretary – Sheen Lions FC