As background, on Friday 17th July the Government issued its Return to recreational team sport framework. This put the responsibility on each National Governing Body (English FA) in our case to agree a plan with them. Amazingly by Saturday evening the FA had this in place for football. GUIDELINES FOR THE RETURN OF OUTDOOR COMPETITIVE GRASSROOTS FOOTBALL.
If you have the stamina for it you will see that there is considerable work for a Club to put all the appropriate measures in place but of course Sarah is working very hard to get all this organised.
As a first step we have to do some groundwork to allow us to address theses measures and so please note the following.
- When you registered with Sheen Lions you agreed to our Data Protection Privacy Notice. This privacy notice has now changed to make it clear that we may record and share information with NHS Track and Trace. You may review the revised Policy here.
- When you registered with Sheen Lions you agreed to our rules. Our Club Regulations have been updated to say that “The Club will when required by the Government or by the sport’s national governing body (The English FA) put in place appropriate measures to mitigate any health emergency. All players, coaches, managers, assistant managers and other team officials as well as parents/spectators at the Club will be required to comply with any measures adopted by the Club“. You may review the revised Regulations here. (You cannot view the measures because they are not decided yet.)
If you decide that you are unable to accept these changes then you will need to let me know that you wish to end your membership as you will no longer be able to participate.
There will be more messages once the detailed processes are decided. You will need to see these processes before you decide if you are happy for your child to safely continue with our Club activities. You can expect our processes to implement the FA “Guidelines”.