Once again we are supporting KitAid in their effort to collect unwanted football boots and used football shirts.
With the current football season drawing to a close, no doubt new boots will be bought for the new season. Please hold on to your old ones as we want to donate those unwanted boots to KitAid.
The boots should be in good condition and CLEAN . We will be asking you to donate in September once the season is underway. There will be a central address in Sheen where you’ll be able to drop them off on your travels.
The club will be providing new match day shirts next season. These shirts remain the property of the club so parents are now requested to return their child’s existing match day shirt, to their manager, by the end of May at the latest. Only players returning their existing shirt to their manager will be given a new shirt in September for the new season. The returned shirts will then be donated to KitAid.
U18s Lions can keep their shirts as a memento should they wish.
Many thanks