I hope you and your families are safe and well during these strange and difficult times.
As you know, we are all in limbo regarding grassroots football and as such have no idea at all when we will be able to start again. However, in the hope that the children & young people will get playing again next season, we must try and lay the foundations for that.
I have already entered our teams with the League so they in turn can start work on putting divisions and fixtures together. They are also opening the League player registration process. So, in order for us to know whether we can field the teams I have entered, I need to know everyone’s intention for next season. Therefore, Gordon will be sending out invitations to register as usual over the next week or so. Depending on your response I will be able to gauge whether all the teams I am hoping to field will in fact be viable. By that I mean good squad numbers to support fielding a team regularly. It should be noted that as a Sunday League football club we expect our players to be available for possible match selection, therefore players involved with other activities on Sundays should not register. This does not apply to U6 – U9s.
At this stage we only need to see how many of the existing players register, with us and in turn the League. As we are unable to trial, players will be moved up an age group in their existing squads. However, it should be noted that some players may be moved across to different squads once we’re up and running and those trials and decisions can take place. It may also prove to be necessary to merge teams into one squad if player numbers are not sufficient. History tells us that this is highly likely with the U12s, as players move schools and some cannot commit to the club. Also, the U11s will need to commit to mid week training. If not enough players are able to do that then, once again, we may have to merge squads. Players who are registered as Cubs can register as such again. Once we know our numbers we can look and see what opportunities there might be for these groups when training /trialling starts.
Fees will be deferred until such time as it is known when training and the season will start. We will follow the guidelines given by the government and our governing bodies, the FA and the Surrey Youth League, regarding starting up again. Once those all important starting dates are known, fees will be required to be paid with immediate effect so that the club can progress with providing football for the players. If too many players do not make that financial commitment then we may have to consider folding teams. Apologies if this sounds heavy handed but, without the financial support from fees being paid. we cannot provide the whole footballing experience that we do.
There will be no reduction in fees for late joiners before January.
Fees may be reduced after that at the club’s discretion.
Please check your emails regularly for that important email from our Registration Secretary, Gordon Campbell, and respond by Monday 8th June at the latest.
If you decide not to register with Sheen Lions, it would be helpful to know, so please decline the invitation when you receive it.
Thank you everyone for your patience and understanding . Stay safe, and hopefully I’ll see the players back in September.
Sarah Street