The Club wish to identify Sheen Lions players that have a referee’s qualification or have done the SYL Mini Soccer Workshop.
If you would like earn some money by refereeing the young age groups on a Sunday morning please let the Club Sec, Sarah ( know and she will add you to the list.
Sarah will organise it so that if you have a HOME game your team will get a later KO so that you can referee a mini soccer game first. It works really well.
This also looks good on your CV’s and of course the Club can write references for those that help the club should they need one for Uni. or job applications.
If you have not done a course but are keen to do so, below is a link. Once the course is completed, and passed, the club will reimburse the fee on the understanding that you would then give the club your help as a referee.
In addition the Surrey Youth League will be putting on Mini Soccer Referee Workshops once the season kicks off. Information will be forwarded when available. They are popular workshops so you will need to be quick.
Sarah Street
Sheen Lions FC